X̱aad Kíl Née, the Haida Language Office, was established in 2018 to provide the community of G̱aw Tlagee a central hub for language strengthening programming and resources for our dialect of X̱aad Kíl – the G̱aw Tlagee dialect of the Haida language.

X̱aad Kíl Née aims to provides consistent tools for learning, listening, and speaking X̱aad Kíl so community members can access language learning resources.  We further strive to provide opportunities to learners to improve their language skills.  Our goal is to keep working towards our community vision of language revitalization. X̱aad Kil Née is directly supporting our Community Compehensive Plan, by “keeping our language, knowledge, and culture alive,” one of our six core values put in place by our CPP.

X̱aad Kíl Née is overseen by a volunteer X̱aad Kíl Advisory Council, composed of community members, Elders, Teachers, and various elected leaders and professionals.  X̱aad Kíl Née is guided by our Haida law Yahgudang – Respect in all of our activities, decisions, and program or project considerations.

Our Comprehensive Community Plan for G̱aw Tlagée Old Massett states that Culture and Community programming, Adult Education classes and Haida Language programs are primary objectives for our community, and these are some of the main actions the community would like to prioritize. X̱aad Kíl Née strives to meet the needs of our community in regards to X̱aad Kíl the Haida language.

Additional Resources

Name Position Email
Jaasljuus Yakgujanaas Team Lead


Jean Williams Administrative Coordinator admin@xaadkilnee.ca
Adeana Young Resource Coordinator resources@xaadkilnee.ca
Grace Jones Program Coordinator programs@xaadkilnee.ca