The Team

OMVC’s Lands department was created to help people in the community gain access to knowledge of land on reserve and to set them up for individual land holdings or commercial land.


The Lands department currently provides the service of:

  • Individual Land Holdings –  Under the guidance of the ISC Lands Program Officer, the OMVC land manager assists members with lands issues such as:

    • Application for Certificates of Possession (CP)
    • Application for land transfer
  • Commercial Lease –  This process is currently under review. Please contact the Commercial Leasing Coordinator.



  • 250-626-7957

  • 250-626-5440

  • 359 Eagle Ave,
    Old Massett, BC

    Box 189
    V0T 1M0

Individual Land Holdings

Section 24 of the Indian Act states that an Indian in lawful possession of land on reserve has the ability to transfer possession of the land to the band or to another member of the band as long as the transfer is approved by the minister.

Do you have own property that you would like to transfer to someone else?

  • The lands manager will provide you the transfer application

Do you need a Certificate of Possession to transfer land?

  • Yes, and the lands manager will provide the application to get one.

It is your responsibility as a land owner with a CP to have more than one persons’ names on the CP. In the event that the individual named on the CP passes away, the land will then become an estate and out of our control.

Section 20 of the Indian Act states that no Indian is lawfully in possession of land unless it is allotted to them by the band and that the allotment is approved by the minister.

If you would like to be allotted land, you will need to:

  • Be a member of the Band
  • Apply in writing to the council including your Band Registration Number, your full legal name, which lot you wish to be allotted by legal description, your intentions for the lot, and your timeline for your intentions on the lot.

Estates are not a service the Land department provides.

If you would like to inquire about Estates, contact Laurie Charlesworth from Indigenous Services Canada.